
Sound Design with Inspired by Nature: Vector FM

Posted by James Cullen on

So, in the first part of our collection of guides which focuses on the Ableton Live pack Inspired by Nature, we covered three devices. They were Bouncy Notes, Emit and Tree Tone. Shout out to ELPHNT on YouTube for highlighting these devices and bringing them to my attention! It's a funny feeling when you stumble upon something that's been under your radar for so long, and I find it can trigger a frustration of wondering what else is out there that you're not aware of yet. But that's the beauty of music production; there's always something new to discover, waiting for you just around...

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Sound Design with Inspired by Nature: Tree Tone

Posted by James Cullen on

This is part three of our series on the collection of Max for Live Devices contained with the Inspired by Nature pack for Ableton Live 11. So hopefully you've checked out the first couple of parts, where we cover the Bouncy Notes and Emit devices. If not, be sure to go back to our guide on Bouncy Notes. That's the first one of the series we covered, and so it contains a bit of an overview of the Inspired by Nature concept before we dive into the specifics. In this guide we will be looking at Tree Tone, a weird and wonderful device that uses an...

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Sound Design with Inspired by Nature: Emit

Posted by James Cullen on

Welcome back to our collection of guides focusing on the wonderful plugins contained in the Ableton Live Pack Inspired by Nature. There are some really cool devices in this pack, and we've already covered what Bouncy Notes can do; it's a wonderful generative arpeggiator-like MIDI effect which allows you to create some really cool melodies and timbres. In this guide, we are going to take a detailed look at Emit, a granular synthesiser which is great for getting some creative results out of your samples. If you haven't checked out our guide on Bouncy Notes, be sure to do so, as it will introduce you...

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Sound Design with Inspired by Nature: Bouncy Notes

Posted by James Cullen on

I've been on a bit of a rediscovery tour of some of my music production techniques lately. Every now and then, a creative spark will ignite and you'll get a fire burning under you, and you'll just want to be creating or working on ideas in your DAW all the time. It's a really refreshing place to be in, especially after the past few years which have made things really hard for everyone. There's been a lot going on, and despite us all having more time, sometimes it's been hard to use that time in positive ways. Anyway, I've been...

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Some of the best Free Plugins available right now.

Posted by James Cullen on

Times are tough across the globe right now. We have a cost of living crisis, energy and fuel prices are insanely high, and if you're anything like me, this crazy time we live in can make you want to be more creative, whether it's a form of expression or escapism. But it's never been more evident how expensive some of the tools of the music production trade can actually be, now that everyone is having to tighten their purse strings and really look at their spending habits. If this sounds like a familiar predicament to you, and you're looking to...

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