News – Top Music Arts


Ableton Announces Push 3

Posted by James Cullen on

Hardware controllers are always an amazing part of a producer's set up, and things are even better when your controller is perfectly integrated with the software you're using. Ableton have always been known for collaborating with other companies on creating. this kind of dedicated hardware integration on devices like the Novation Launchkey range. However, it's Ableton's newest dedicated hardware controller that we will be discussing today, because after much anticipation, it's finally here. That's right, Ableton has officially announced the launch of Push 3, the third generation of their Push hardware, and it looks incredible! While there's definitely familiarity in the design, (if it...

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5 Beginner Tips to Improve your Production

Posted by James Cullen on

Being a music producer in 2023 means you have an unprecedented level of access to learning material. Never before have we had so much information at our fingertips, so many resources available to help us become better producers. As someone who's been producing for over fifteen years now, I can say with some authority that there's one thing above all else that you can do to ensure you're always improving as a producer. Be a constant learner. Never think you know it all. There is always going to be some new piece of information you can learn, a new tip...

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Guaranteed Hacks to beat Burnout

Posted by James Cullen on

We live in a world of seemingly endless content. Infinite hours of scrolling on your phone, constantly seeing something new. Whether it's memes or music, news or TikToks. This online realm of infinite content can often be incredibly overwhelming, to the point where it can make creatives like us music producers feel so much pressure to create something good, that we end up staring aimlessly at our DAW, unable to create anything we feel is good enough. I believe this form of writer's block comes from a unique burnout we seem to be having because we are exposed to so...

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5 ways to find Inspiration as a Music Producer

Posted by James Cullen on

Inspiration is an elusive and special thing. Sometimes it strikes you randomly, coming at you when you least expect it to. Other times you can go weeks without feeling inspired at all. We've all been there; sat in the studio or at our DAW, desperately wanting to make music, but unable to come up with anything we're happy with. Unfortunately, it isn't possible to force yourself to be inspired whenever you want to be, but there are things you can do to help find inspiration for your next musical project.  So, in this guide we are going to be discussing different ways...

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Exploring Ableton's Warp Modes

Posted by James Cullen on

Ableton traditionally has been lauded as the go to DAW for electronic dance music producers. As such, this reputation has also given rise to the idea that its audio capabilities aren't as good as other DAWs out there such as Logic Pro. And while this may have been true for earlier versions of Live, it now boasts a powerful collection of audio editing functions which make it a great tool for working with samples and loops, or even changing the way your own recorded audio sounds. Ableton's built in Audio Editor has a number of Warping options, and warping is something of a...

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