News — Music Production
Advanced Drum Production Techniques
Posted by James Cullen on
One of the marks of being a professional when it comes to music production is knowing your strengths. It’s equally important, however, to know your weaknesses, or if you’re not comfortable with that terminology, maybe you could think along the lines of ‘areas that need improvement’. Your journey as a producer should be one of constant learning and self improvement. Not only because this will -in the long run- lead to great improvements in your skills, but also because on a more real world applicable level, often, creating a project for the purposes of practicing a new technique can often...
Wavetable Synthesis? Xfer Serum is the answer.
Posted by Esteban Miranda on

Are you new to Serum? Do you feel like it´s impossible to understand how to use it? Today with Top Music Arts, we are bringing you some tips and a review of Serum, maybe the most used synth vst in today´s music. To give you all a hand and help you understand the great wavetable and subtractive synth VST Plugin that Xfer Serum really is. And if you get used to it, you´ll see what a great tool it is to have at your disposal! When you start using a new synthesizer sometimes it can be a bit confusing and every synth has...
Best computer for Music Production 2018
Posted by Esteban Miranda on

Do you know that audio processing is one of the most CPU consuming tasks that people do on their computers today? If you don´t, here with Top Music Arts, we´re going to help you choose the best one for you! Always giving you some tips and guides, as always. The common debate comes up, Mac or PC? Desktop or Laptop or even Tablet? Well with the technological advances made in the last years, we will highlight the top computers, in their own types, and a summary of what they bring to the table. Here we’re looking for the best computer...
- Tags: ableton guides, ableton love, ableton templates, ableton tips, best pc for music production, Music Production, pc or mac
Top 7 Free Vst to Start Music Production
Posted by Esteban Miranda on
How much time do you spend searching for free vst?
If your answer is a lot, then we have a guide here that will help you start producing music in no time.
Today with Top Music Arts we are going to show you our selection of the top seven free vsts to start with music production. These are the ones that we found most useful, easy to download and install, and compatible with the most DAW and OS out there (so you don´t have to use Jbridge or other third party software to make them work with your daw).