News — ableton live 10
Wavetable Synthesis? Xfer Serum is the answer.
Posted by Esteban Miranda on

Are you new to Serum? Do you feel like it´s impossible to understand how to use it? Today with Top Music Arts, we are bringing you some tips and a review of Serum, maybe the most used synth vst in today´s music. To give you all a hand and help you understand the great wavetable and subtractive synth VST Plugin that Xfer Serum really is. And if you get used to it, you´ll see what a great tool it is to have at your disposal! When you start using a new synthesizer sometimes it can be a bit confusing and every synth has...
4 Main types of Synthesis explained: Wavetable, Subtractive, Additive, and FM
Posted by Esteban Miranda on

Are you new to synths like Massive, Serum or Ableton´s Wavetable? Today with Top Music Arts, we bring you a quick guide about the 4 main types of Sound Synthesis. With a detailed but always keeping it simple and informative review. So we can be useful for most of you guys! Let´s start by clearing some common out of the way, and also going through some of the fundamentals here: What is synthesis? Sound synthesis is the process of using electronics to create an electrical pressure soundwave from scratch and then controlling and modifying it. What is an...
- Tags: Ableton 10 love, ableton guides, ableton live 10, Additive, FM, Subtractive, Synthesis, Synthesis types, wavetable
Ableton Live 10 Vs Ableton live 9
Posted by Esteban Miranda on

Is it really worth it to update your Ableton live 9 to 10? Today with Top Music Arts we are going to show you the main differences, features, and updates Ableton live 10 and 9 have for us. To help you decide if an update if the best way to go for you and your setup, always with some tips and guides of the new and useful stuff they have as the great DAW they both are. First of all, let´s talk about Ableton live 9 For many of us musicians, and producers, Live 9 has become the go-to environment...
Pink Noise - The secret technique for volume mixing
Posted by Esteban Miranda on

What if I tell you it´s possible to have a song mixed and well balanced in five minutes or even less? Setting your track levels properly in your mix can be tough, especially if you haven’t been mixing and mastering for a long time. Today with Top Music Arts we´re giving you a guide to get your mix up and running in less than 5 minutes! Always with some tips and guides for you to practice on your own. Let´s start by talking about some fundamentals. You can use any technique at the time of mixing… The...
- Tags: ableton for beginners, ableton guides, ableton live 10, Ableton Templates, ableton tips, ableton tutorial, tutorial