News — ableton live tutorial
Advanced Drum Production Techniques
Posted by James Cullen on
One of the marks of being a professional when it comes to music production is knowing your strengths. It’s equally important, however, to know your weaknesses, or if you’re not comfortable with that terminology, maybe you could think along the lines of ‘areas that need improvement’. Your journey as a producer should be one of constant learning and self improvement. Not only because this will -in the long run- lead to great improvements in your skills, but also because on a more real world applicable level, often, creating a project for the purposes of practicing a new technique can often...
The List of Chord Identifier tools
Posted by Esteban Miranda on

Do you know how to make chords? Or do you have trouble finding them? In this article today with Top Music Arts, we bring you all the tools you need to Identify the chords of your favorite songs and help you find the ones you like for your own compositions. With some tips, guides and as always summing all the content that’s out there on the internet, trying to help all of you to save time from searching (having 20 tabs open of the same subject like I do!) and hoping you canalize it in practicing your craft! First of all, we...
Fisher – Losing it Deconstructed and How to make in Ableton
Posted by Esteban Miranda on

When you´re producing music it´s always a big help to know the kind of sounds you could use for the kick or the snare, for example. Or also have a reference on what structure you could use by listening to the most played hit songs of the genre you like. To help you all with that, today with Top Music Arts we´re bringing you our Remake of the song Losing it by Fisher. Made specially for learning purposes, using Ableton Live 10 and its built-in plugins, and the help of the great Vst Plugin Lennar Digital´s Sylenth1 v3, for some...